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cygport: how to install package sources for debugging without recompiling?

Dear Cygwin Team,

Cygwin setup allows downloading sources of libraries, but the resulting sources are not immediately useful for debugging. One gets a compressed tar archive, some patches and the cygport file. I know that I can expand sources and apply patches with

cyport <package.cygport> prep

which gives me what I need for debugging, just not in the right place. E.g. some MinGW runtime file is searched by gdb (without giving any directory commands) at


But after above procedure it is in:


Now of cause I can make a script and copy everything I need where it belongs. But as far as I know

cyport <package.cygport> all

would put the sources in the /usr/src/debug folder. But I don't want to recompile everything, I just want to put the sources where gdb can find them. Is there some way to tell cyport to do this? If not this would be a great additional feature for cygport (which is a very convenient tool).

Thanks & best regards,

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