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Re: SMBFS mount's file cannot be made executable

On 8/14/2019 12:23 AM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via cygwin wrote:
>> Have you checked the default ACL on the directory containing the file?
> No, and there's nothing special there now that I checked.  I can change the "Read & Execute" for the .exe file from the Windows file properties
> without having to deal with anything special or additional (like inherited permissions), so I don't think the containing directory has anything
> to do with it.

I suspect the containing directory has a lot to do with it.  You shouldn't get 
an "Invalid argument" error below.

> $ getfacl /cygdrive/z
> # file: /cygdrive/z
> # owner: lavr
> # group: cppcore
> user::rwx
> group::r-x
> other::r-x
> getfacl: /cygdrive/z: Invalid argument

Running getfacl under strace might provide a clue as to what the problem is. 
You could also try running /usr/lib/csih/getVolInfo.exe on that directory.


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