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Re: cygrunsrv --install <svc> --user <user>: avoid having to enter the user's password

Greetings, Irfan Adilovic!

> (All actions here assume an elevated mintty terminal)

> I have the  need to automate the installation of autossh as a windows
> service (=> several dozen autossh services) and when installing as a
> local user, the password prompt is an issue.

This is not an issue, this is a requirement of the OS.

> Is there a way to add windows services with cygrunsrv from an elevated
> mintty bash shell to run as a local user, somehow without requiring
> that local user's password each time the service is installed?

Nothing can be done about it, except providing the password it is asking for.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Thursday, May 23, 2019 0:29:04

Sorry for my terrible english...

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