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Re: How to install gcc and g++ 6 on cygwin which are not on the setup.exe

Eliot Moss, on Friday, May 17, 2019 09:16 AM, wrote...
>I've been a Cygwin user for a long time, and I like it, but
>another possibility here for you is WSL (Windows Subsystem
>for Linux).  It's a pretty easy install, and because it is
>done by Microsoft and can reliably use internal interfaces,
>there are ways in which it is more Linux-like -- for many
>packages you can just do apt-get install and they work.  In
>my experience the performance is comparable to Cygwin, maybe
>a touch faster (but no where near as fast for heavy forking
>as running inside a Virtual Box Ubuntu virtual machine, for
>example).  It has its limitations, for sure, but I have found
>it helpful for some things.

Thanks for this, Eliot.  Yes, I do have it installed at home, but at work, we're still running Windows 7-42bit systems. ;-)  So, you gotta work with what you gotta work. :-)


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