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Re: How to become root/root (0/0)

Greetings, LRN!

>>> And the group "None". I found it mentioned in ntsec. Would it be
>>> possible to create a group "root" in Windows which gives it's
>>> members the same power as the group Administrators? And why "None"
>>> and not "Administrators"?
>> Administrators do not have all possible permissions inherently.
>> Again, there's simply no equivalent of "god user" from *NIX in Windows
>> permissions system.

> IIRC, the SYSTEM user has the most permissions, but users are normally
> forbidden from doing things as SYSTEM.

Most, but not all, and you could set permissions in such a way that "SYSTEM"
user won't be able to f.e. remove a certain file.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Thursday, May 9, 2019 15:34:08

Sorry for my terrible english...

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