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Re: How to repeat a bash shell script until success

On 2017-07-12 09:35, Bryan Dunphy wrote:
> I have a shell script, originally created for Mac OS X. that waits for an 
> external drive to be mounted (by testing an “ls” of the volume’s root 
> directory for success) then runs an “rsync” command. How do I get the script
> to be run repeatedly until successful exit under Cygwin?
> Here is the unmodified Mac OS version of the script:
> #!/bin/bash
> if ls /Volumes/Shared >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
> then
>     rsync -avz --compress-level=9 --delete-during --partial --exclude 'cache/' \
> /Volumes/Shared/Project-Gutenberg
>         exit 0
> else
>         exit 1
> fi

Plug your subject line into a web search and read the resulting hits.
Then you don't have to wait 9 hours for hints. ;^>
You could also run "man bash" and RTFM.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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