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Re: ctrl-c doesn't reliably kill ping

Greetings, Frank Farance!

> A little digression, so you understand the background ... The workstation I am
> doing this from is connected to a Verizon router to their FIOS network.  Now the
> reason I mention this is that the router's DNS (via DHCP to my workstation) is
>, which I presume is forwarded from the router upstream to Verizon's
> DNS caches.  So if I type the URL http://something.that.doesnt.exist in my 
> browser, rather than getting a Hostname Not Found error (at the name resolution
> level), it actually loads up a page saying "something.that.doesnt.exist" isn't
> found and then I have a Yahoo set of search results on things matching the 
> broken hostname.

> So all of this is normal ISP stuff: they actually resolve unknown addresses to
> their own website (which is

This is NOT "normal", this is a violation of protocol.
Whoever encounter such behavior should call their ISP and tell them to stop
doing it.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 13:59:48

Sorry for my terrible english...

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