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Re: X Windows disappearing/unmapping (Win10 + 3rd party virtual desktops)

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 12:10 PM, Jon TURNEY
<> wrote:

> Thanks for reporting this issue.
> It seems that a change in 1.17.2-1 had the unintended side-effect of
> breaking working with VirtuaWin and Dexpot (windows which were hidden when
> switching to another virtual desktop become lost)
> While this can probably be worked-around in the virtual desktop software
> configuration, I'd like to try to fix it.
> I've built a snapshot with a potential fix.  Perhaps you could try that and
> see if it improves things for you?


I specifically joined this mailing list, after being a CygWin user for
15+ years (worked on it with GVV back in the early days), because I
was about to go crazy.  I originally experienced this problem with
mDesktop, but I spent an entire weekend trying literally EVERY
multi-desktop app for Windows I could find.  I tried almost a dozen,
in fact, including Dexpot, VirtuaWin, Virtual Dimenson, Finestra,
nSpaces, YODM, and Tri-Desk-a-Top.  The only ones that *didn't*
display the problem were SysInternals Desktops and 2 others, none of
which had any concept of allowing you to move windows from one desktop
to another, so they were unusable for me.  ALL the others I tried had
this same problem.

The above executable completely fixes the problem for me in both
mDesktop and Dexpot, so I *greatly* appreciate your work to fix this!

Though I do have to say, it did force me to try other alternatives
apart from mDesktop, and having experienced Dexpot and VirtuaWin, I'll
never go back to mDesktop again.  So thanks for that, too!  ;-)


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  <>
Linux Server/Cluster Admin,       Author, Eterm (

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