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Re: mintty hangs after exit

Greetings, Thomas Wolff!

> Am 22.08.2015 um 06:31 schrieb Sam Edge:
>> On 22/08/2015 05:05, John Hein wrote:
>>> Andrey Repin wrote at 02:05 +0300 on Aug 22, 2015:
>>>   > Just noticed a weird thing. Wonder if anyone can confirm or deny the issue.
>>>   >
>>>   > 1. Start mintty as `mintty.exe -` (i.e. login shell)
>>>   > 2. Execute a command. S.a. "ssh anywhere"
>>>   > 3. Exit all running apps. I.e. ^D out of all shells.
>>>   > 4. mintty remains running.
>>>   > There's no more child processes of it, nothing. It's just stuck around.
>>> I see that on occasion, but haven't pinned down reliable conditions
>>> for reproducing the symptom.  I'm using tcsh as shell (I'm not
>>> claiming a correlation necessarily).  What if you hit enter in the
>>> hung window?  That usually kicks things into gear causing the process
>>> / window to go away here.
>>> (I miss 'wchan' in ps output to give a clue what the process is
>>> doing / waiting on.)
>> I've had exactly the same problem for some time now.
> For weeks? Months? Since which version?

I couldn't say for myself, as I normally use PuTTY for my SSH needs.
But I've had a trouble readjusting my setup for updated OpenSSH and stumbled
upon this issue.
And yes, it seems to only happen with OpenSSH.
And pressing Enter in a stalled mintty window forces it to close.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Saturday, August 22, 2015 20:02:00

Sorry for my terrible english...

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