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Re: [Attn CVS maintainer] Re: CVS checkout with absolute path fails in 32-bit build

On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 11:29:33PM +0200, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> I just uploaded a cvs-1.11.23-2 version as test for 32bit only.

I missed the "as test" the first time I read this email, and thought all
my mirrors were being incredibly slow to pick up the change...

> It uses all the patches available in Fedora.
> cvs-1.11.23-1 patches were not enough due to some change in
> info building.
> Could you check if does it solve your problem ?

I've just confirmed: with cvs 1.11.23-2, t9200 of the Git test suite is
passing just fine on 32-bit Cygwin.


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