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Re: Support for ITIMER_PROF?

On Jun 22 08:05, Ken Brown wrote:
> According to the Cygwin API documentation
> (, "getitimer and setitimer
> only support ITIMER_REAL for now."  I'm wondering whether there's any chance
> that support for ITIMER_PROF might be added.  I have no idea what the
> obstacles are.
> My reason for asking is that emacs has a CPU profiling function, which
> doesn't work on Cygwin because it relies on ITIMER_PROF.  (There's an
> alternative implementation, but it requires timer_getoverrun, also not
> available in Cygwin.)

Both very tricky.  Given the description of timer_getoverrun and how
this stuff is implemented in Cygwin, you might get away with

  #ifdef __CYGWIN__
  #define timer_getoverrun(x)	0

indepedently of using SIGEV_SIGNAL or SIGEV_THREAD.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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