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[ANNOUNCEMENT] New: php-5.5.16-1

The following packages have been added to the Cygwin distribution:

* php-5.5.16-1
* apache2-mod_php5-5.5.16-1
* php-bcmath-5.5.16-1
* php-bz2-5.5.16-1
* php-calendar-5.5.16-1
* php-ctype-5.5.16-1
* php-curl-5.5.16-1
* php-dba-5.5.16-1
* php-devel-5.5.16-1
* php-enchant-5.5.16-1
* php-exif-5.5.16-1
* php-fileinfo-5.5.16-1
* php-ftp-5.5.16-1
* php-gd-5.5.16-1
* php-gettext-5.5.16-1
* php-gmp-5.5.16-1
* php-iconv-5.5.16-1
* php-imap-5.5.16-1
* php-intl-5.5.16-1
* php-jsonc-1.3.5-1
* php-ldap-5.5.16-1
* php-mbstring-5.5.16-1
* php-mcrypt-5.5.16-1
* php-mssql-5.5.16-1
* php-mysql-5.5.16-1
* php-mysqli-5.5.16-1
* php-odbc-5.5.16-1
* php-opcache-5.5.16-1
* php-pdo_dblib-5.5.16-1
* php-pdo_mysql-5.5.16-1
* php-pdo_odbc-5.5.16-1
* php-pdo_sqlite-5.5.16-1
* php-pgsql-5.5.16-1
* php-phar-5.5.16-1
* php-posix-5.5.16-1
* php-pspell-5.5.16-1
* php-readline-5.5.16-1
* php-recode-5.5.16-1
* php-shmop-5.5.16-1
* php-simplexml-5.5.16-1
* php-soap-5.5.16-1
* php-sockets-5.5.16-1
* php-sqlite3-5.5.16-1
* php-sybase_ct-5.5.16-1
* php-sysvmsg-5.5.16-1
* php-sysvsem-5.5.16-1
* php-sysvshm-5.5.16-1
* php-tidy-5.5.16-1
* php-tokenizer-5.5.16-1
* php-wddx-5.5.16-1
* php-xmlreader-5.5.16-1
* php-xmlrpc-5.5.16-1
* php-xmlwriter-5.5.16-1
* php-xsl-5.5.16-1
* php-zip-5.5.16-1
* php-zlib-5.5.16-1

PHP (recursive acronym for 'PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor') is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.

This release of PHP includes the embed. cgi, cli, fpm, and apache2handler SAPIs, the latter being in a separate package. For technical reasons, the following extensions are builtin to the PHP embed SAPI, which all other SAPIs and C extensions are linked against: date, dom, hash, libxml, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, pdo, session, xml.

This release is identical to that previously in Cygwin Ports; future releases will go straight into the main distribution.


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