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Re: Update CoreUtils

On Mon, May 12, 2014 at 9:52 AM, Eric Blake wrote:
> I haven't relinquished maintainership of this package yet.  It's still
> on my list of things to build, when I get a moment (although free time
> has been a bit sparse as of late with the birth of my daughter last month).

Frankly I dont see how you can hold maintainer and not even update once a year.

- coreutils
- bash
- git
- lack of a real package manager

all being way out of date I have already switched to MSYS2 once. The only reason
I came back is they still havent fixed the jacked mount points

    C:/msys64 on /usr
    C:/msys64 on /

while Cygwin correctly does

    C:/cygwin64/bin on /usr/bin
    C:/cygwin64/lib on /usr/lib
    C:/cygwin64 on /

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