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Root/Administrator privileges from cygwin terminal

I have 2 questions regarding root/administrator
privileges but have not been able to find any clear answers via googling.

1. Is it possible to run a command (including potentially a new bash
   shell) as Administrator/root (Group 544) from a non-administrator bash

   Note that using windows 'runas' fails since it won't read a
   password from bash stdin. Also, I couldn't find any cygwin sudo.

   Also, while 'ssh localhost' seems to give me root(0) and
   Administrators (544) group privileges (when running id -a), it
   doesn't give me console access so programs like 'regedit' just

   The only solution I have now is to open a new bash window as administrator.
   So is there a way to elevate (or change) privileges from with a bash shell?

2. Is there any better way to determine that one has Administrator
   privileges than to run something like:
   		id -G | grep -Eq '<\544\>'
		[[ `id -G` =~$(echo "\<544\>") ]]

	(note the 'echo' is used to get around incompatibilities in
	various versions of bash on how word separators are recognize.)

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