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Re: RANCID on Cygwin

On 08/10/2013 14:53, Jakub Horbacewicz wrote:
I have to use Windows server for making backups of network devices. To
accomplish that I have to run Rancid, so I need to install Cygwin. Can
you help me with compiling Rancid through Cygwin? I cannot find any
tutorial or tips in google.

If you download and unpack the RANCID sources, there is a 'README' file in there with some quick installation instructions. Simply follow the 12 steps listed in that document.

I don't know much about RANCID, but this might get you started: It appears that RANCID is mostly written in script languages (perl, expect), with a very small amount of C code that has to be compiled. So, from a Cygwin terminal:

    # Download and unpack the sources.
    tar -xf rancid-2.3.8.tar.gz
    cd rancid-2.3.8

    # Configure.
    ./configure --prefix=/usr
    # This gets stuck checking for 'ping'.
    # I had to open up Windows Task Manager and kill 'ping.exe'.

    # Compile.

Then you can 'make install' to do the installation. This gets you past step 2 of the installation instructions in the README file; I'll leave it up to you to read and complete the remaining steps.



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