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Re: running .bat file in cygwin

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 12:26 PM, emon wrote:
> Dear All,
>               I am a newbie in cygwin.  However, I have used mingw so far,
> but it is not supporting fork(), so I need to switch to cygwin.  I have
> created a build.bat file in my mingw (programming language C):

Note, fork requires the cygwin1.dll file.  Are you prepared for that?

> gcc -o mask mask.c -pg -I/c/opencv/build/include  -lopencv_core231
> -lopencv_highgui231 -lopencv_imgproc231 -L. -L/c/opencv/build/x86/mingw/lib
> Can anyone suggest me how I can run this .bat file at cygwin or refer me to
> a site.

I've read all the other response, etc.  However, if you want to use
the .bat file you can do

cmd /c build.bat

take care that your PATH has all you need and note that /posix/paths
don't 't work with MinGW gcc.  But since you need fork() you'll need
to use the Cygwin GCC anyway.


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