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i686-pc-mingw32-gcc 4.5.2 and static linking libstdc++-6?

Can someone tell me, is static linking of libstdc++(-6 ?) not
currently supported in cygwin using the mingw compiler?

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Dennis Isenhour
<> wrote:
> Please excuse me if this isn’t the correct place for this question or
> if I’ve misunderstood something, or am not understanding something
> obvious, but I honestly wasn’t really sure where the best place to ask
> was despite looking around for quite some time and I have been unable
> to locate anything that directly answers my questions in any of the
> forums (on both the? and sites).
> I am in the process of switching from an older version of cygwin gcc
> where I previously used the –mno-cygwin flag in order to utilize the
> mingw compiler portion.? With the new latest version, it appears I
> need to change to explicitly install and utilize the mingw compiler.
> After making the change, I have now encountered a situation where my
> compiled executable is no longer working/loading correctly.? Debugging
> the problem using the “cygcheck” tool, I was able to determine that
> the object was failing because it could not locate “libstdc++-6.dll”.
> cygcheck: track_down: could not find libstdc++-6.dll
> I thus located ./gcc/i686-pc-mingw32/4.5.2/debug/libstdc++-6.dll and
> copied it to my local build area, which ultimately did in fact resolve
> my issue.? However, I would prefer NOT to have to distribute this dll
> with my executables and so I am thus now attempting to figure out how
> I can go about linking this new, apparently required library,
> statically, however I can’t seem to locate libstdc++-6.a or
> anywhere in my cygwin repository. ?I've been trying to
> make use of '-static-libstdc++' option, however I see that it keeps
> telling me that it is not recognized:
> i686-pc-mingw32-gcc: unrecognized option '-static-libstdc++'
> I'm also not real sure what the difference is between libstdc++-6 and
> libstdc++, so I'm not positive -static-libstdc++ would be the correct
> solution either, even if I could get that to work.
> Anyone who can provide me with any further insight or useful
> information would be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks in advance.

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