1.7.5 run cygwin.bat and returned with c:\cygwin\bin folder

Stephen Morton stephen.c.morton@gmail.com
Sun May 16 06:20:00 GMT 2010

On Fri, 14 May 2010 17:13:05 -0700 (PDT), Ping Wu Wrote:
>I have try to install Cygwin on Amazon AMI
>ami-f71ff09e amazon/Windows-Server2003R2-x86_64-SqlExpress-v109
>The setup.exe did completed with the installation, but  cygwin.bat return right away and going nowhere.
>If I ran it from command line it will ended up at c:\cygwin\bin.
>I have try to remove c:\cygwin and re-install it and it does not seems help.
>running c:\cygwin\bin\bash does go to the bash shell, but non of the user profile apply.
>Further notice that the image/Instance might have some early cygwin installation so that the setup.exe default some of the xWinodws components which I was not installed at first attempt.
>The questions:  Are there any way I can a do a complete clean remove and reinstall to overcome the above problem.
>Or other suggestions?
>Many Thanks,
>Ping Wu

Do not uninstall yet.

Cygwin is a a collection of tools that give a posix-line interface by
using the cygwin dll.
Just because the windows .bat file that calls
the bash shell doesn't work, it's not cause for immediate alarm.
Especially since you
can run bash directly.

1. Open up a DOS shell. cd to C:\cygwin. Run the Cygwin.bat script.
What happens?
   Is there an error, or does everything work fine? (This is almost
the same as clicking
   on the link except that you'll see what the error is.)
2. Look at the contents of the C:\cygwin\Cygwin.bat file. (Using
notepad, or whatever.)
   Any obvious errors?
   Does it appear to be changing directories to directories that exist, etc?
3. My guess is that in doing the two above things, you'll find that
there is something
   very small wrong with your Cygwin.bat and all you need to do is
edit it an you'll be fine.

Good luck,

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