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Re: Emacs and DBUS

On 8/24/2010 3:43 PM, Michael Albinus wrote:
Ken Brown writes:

Hi Ken,

It's some years ago I have used Cygwin. But if you have uploaded the
build already, I could check, whether I have problems running Emacs +
D-Bus under Cygwin.

Yes, it's uploaded. See

Unfortunately, it does not run. First, there is a minor issue: when I've started emacs after downloading, I've got

/usr/bin/emacs-nox.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cygdbus-1-3.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I guess, a dependency to libdbus1_3 must be added when Emacs is
compiled with D-Bus support.

Yes, I mentioned this in the announcement of the test release. I will add libdbus1_3 as a dependency when the test release gets promoted to "current".

After installing that library, Emacs did start. How ever, it blocks
when loading dbus.el.

Don't you normally have to start a D-BUS session before loading dbus.el? Maybe one of the Cygwin people who uses D-BUS can tell us how to do that.


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