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Re: cygpath and spaces in filenames when reading from a file

On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 7:01 AM, Corinna Vinschen  wrote:
> No, it doesn't. ÂSpace is used as the field separator in the file. ÂI
> assume we need an extension like allowing to specify another separator.
> Another one for next year...

As a first step, maybe just adding an xargs-style "--null/-0" to treat
input as NUL-separated instead of whitespace-separated would be

The options list is kinda full, single-letter-alias-wise; I see no
obvious place to put a more general '--delimiter' (-d and -D and -f
and -F and -s and -S are all taken).  Also, allowing specification of
an arbitrary delimiter would seem to open up another can of
character-encoding worms.

Mark J. Reed <>

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