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Re: what is interfering texlive?

You probably loaded the windows version of TeXLive, which is basically
MiKTeX with a TeX editor and another program.  These are made specifically
for windows and that means they require "windows file and path names".  
In other words they don't use POSIX compliant pathnames.

In order to install a *nix (cygwin) version (more likely up to date than a Windows specfic verson)
Cygwin was added as official platform supported (in TL2009) a few month

(Thanks to Angelo for the following information:
>TL2009 builds OB both on Cygwin-1.5 and 1.7 and, for this platform, has
>an official maintainer, Ken Brown, who maintains also Emacs package on

See install instructions in the below given www site
>You can install TL2009 on Cygwin-1.7 as described here:

I am using the TeXLive found in the "install-tl-unx.tar.gz" tarball.


RE: Steven Woody <> wrote:

> >> I was always using cygwin and today I installed texlive 2008 on my
> >> computer. ?But I found if I run texlive's xelatex command on my
> >> cygwin bash prompt, it will always return a "Program is not found"
> >> error. When I run the same command line under dos command prompt,
> >> it was fine.
> >>........
> >> Can anyone give me a clue?
> >
> Actually, there is no a word 'i366-cygwin' in the first page of the
> documentation.

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