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Re: Issue with the titlebar

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 05:58:08PM +0200, Kilian Krockauer wrote:
>Hello there,
>I have quite a disturbing task my colleque gave to me. 
>He uses CygWin and has up to 10 Windows opened, now he's getting tired
>of looking through every single Window when he searches for a specific
>one.  To be exact, he uses ssh to connect to our servers and wants the
>titlebar to show which server that specific window is logged on to.  Is
>that even possible?  I've gone through the web and found nothing
>helpful.  I know that you can let the titlebar show a process name, the
>full path and i guess even the Hostname, because it is a variable, but
>everything i tried did not show the Hostname of the server he logs on
>I would apreciate a rather quick help or response

You should be able to change the title bar in rxvt or (under cygwin)
by just printing an escape sequence:


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