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Sending data to a script over SSH

This question may well be non-specific to Cygwin, and perhaps more of an SSH or a Unix shell question. If you can suggest a better forum I'd appreciate it!

The task is to fill out an Excel worksheet, copy a rectangular portion to the Windows clipboard, have a script read the clipboard, transform the data, and write the results back out to the Windows clipboard so that the user can then paste it into a text document.

From Cygwin, I can get at the clipboard through /dev/clipboard - very handy indeed! Only problem is that this requires that Cygwin be running in the same copy of Windows from which I'm doing the cutting and pasting. This turns out to be a hard sell to management, who'd prefer that I keep Cygwin running in its own Windows environment. I've set up ssh and can now start a PuTTY session from my Excel world into my Cygwin world (which is fine - a lot my scripts *don't* require reading/writing the clipboard).

I'm wondering how to send a script invocation followed by the clipboard data that the script will read and transform. I know how to use ssh to send a command to a remote system; I can do that from DOS. But is there any way to say "run this command and, by the way, the data it needs is right behind it"? Sort of like an input redirection with a HERE-doc, to put it very loosely?

I hope that makes some sense. And, obviously, the problem is not really about "clipboards" per se, but rather any input stream.

Chap Harrison

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