Entering "C:/cygwin/etc/profile" bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found ': not a valid identifier bash: $'\r': command not found ': not a valid identifier bash: $'\r': command not found ': not a valid identifier bash: $'\r': command not found ': not a valid identifier bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: /etc/profile: line 91: syntax error near unexpected token `$'in\r'' bash: /etc/profile: line 91: `case "`echo "_$0" | /usr/bin/tr '[:upper:]' '[:low 'r:]' | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/^_//'`" in Entering "C:/Documents and Settings/USER1/Cyg_home/.bash_profile" bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: $'\r': command not found bash: /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/USER1/Cyg_home/.bash_profile: line 45: syntax error: unexpected end of file bash-3.2$