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Re: missing fonts?

My workaround to this problem is to copy all fonts
from the solaris machine in /usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts to a
cygwin user's directory (say /home/user/owfonts), then use

xset +fp '/home/user/owfonts/75dpi/'


ps: xset is a separate cygwin package which might have to be

->I have upgraded Cygwin to X11R7.4. In the past I could read my e-mail
->via "ssh" and "dtmail" from a Solaris machine with a nice font. Now I
->get a font which is about twice the size of the old one so that I get
->too few lines in my dtmail-window and therefore have to scroll a lot.
->I have already installed all available fonts from my mirror site
->without solving this problem. I don't know which fonts are not available
->in X11R7 which were available in X11R6. Does anybody know which font I
->need and where I can download the missing font for X11R7? Thank you very
->much for any help in advance.

David Burgess

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