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sshd on vista error "initgroups: Permission denied" (cygwin-1.7)

Running sshd (openssh 5.1p1-d57 or 5.1p1-7) on cygwin-1.7 and vista
results in the following error:

        % ssh localhost pwd
        herb@localhost's password:
        initgroups: Permission denied

I think this should be easily reproducible with a fresh installation of
just cygwin 1.7 base + openssh running on a generic vista confiuration
with UAC enabled.  

Can anyone confirm this?  If it is specific to my setup, I'll dig deeper
and provide more information.

For more details on reproducing this see this message (specifically item 7):

BTW, the following issues in that message also still exist in the 5.1p1-7
release.  But they can be worked around more easily.

  3. "ssh-host-config -y" still prompts for user input
  4. Missing warning if cyg_server exists in /etc/passwd but not in SAM
  5. "ssh localhost pwd" gives 'ssh_exchange_identification' error (only if
      tcp_wrapper package is installed)
  6. error in setting cyg_server passwd expiry


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