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Re: Cygwin compiler and linker options

----- Original Message ----- From: "Warren Young" <>
Subject: Re: Cygwin compiler and linker options

It's not impossible to have them both in the PATH, but I've come across enough strange behavior that I don't do that anymore.

I posted about how to keep the two separate without making it hard to
switch between them before here:

Here's another suggestion....  It won't be terribly helpful for those of you
who prefer 'make' etc but if you need to use multiple compilers and want to
make life simple, this IDE might also be worth considering:-

Code::Blocks has been specifically designed to accommodate multple compiler
environments.  It comes pre-configured for a variety of popular compilers
including Borland C++, Microsoft Visual C++ (various flavours), GNU GCC,
Watcom, Cygwin GCC, MinGW, Tiny C, Digital Mars etc.

Each project can specify which compiler / debugger it wants to use.  Paths
(include / lib etc) can be specified either globally (as a default for all
compilers) or individually (specific to each compiler) or a combination of
both.  You can also specify whether the project's paths take precedence over
the global paths or vice-versa.  Finally, it's open source and is available
for Linux, Windows and Mac.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Warren Young" <>
To: "Cygwin-L" <>
Sent: 22 August 2008 19:52
Subject: Re: Cygwin compiler and linker options

Ralph Hempel wrote:

what I think I hear you saying is that when -mno-cygwin is fully deprecated I'll need to build a cross compiler for native Windows executables

Or, you could install MinGW. Cygwin and MinGW will coexist, side by side, without conflict, if you arrange it so only one is in the PATH at a time. It's not impossible to have them both in the PATH, but I've come across enough strange behavior that I don't do that anymore.

I posted about how to keep the two separate without making it hard to
switch between them before here:

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