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Re: multiple cygwin1.dll message

Got it!

I finally got rid of c:\windows\system32\cygwin1.dll by
cd-ing there in cygwin, seeing it (finally!) and deleting
it. It wouldn't delete because it was write protected,
but it prompted me for Y/N, and Y got rid of it. (perhaps
the developers could add this test/prompt during normal
upgrade/installs when it prompts for deleting it? Would
have saved the day for me!). Anyway, a Windows search
did not find it, I didn't visually see it in the directory,
and my cygwin "find" I may have missed the filesystem in
cygwin's nomenclature. But it did seem to be "hidden" in

Thanks to all who helped! I upgraded to the latest cygwin
versions too. And rebooted.

I see I can now make C and Fortran programs again.

However, my Bourne shell script has broken. Sigh. If I
can't figure that out I'll post a new query.

Thanks, John

Kai Raphahn wrote:
Christopher Faylor wrote:

On Sat, May 26, 2007 at 02:14:47AM -0400, John wrote:
John wrote:
  602k 2005/06/26 C:\WINDOWS\system32\cygwin1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
                 "cygwin1.dll" v0.0 ts=2005/5/25 19:38

I just noticed this line in the output. However, a Windows search and
a cygwin find does not find this file!!! I swear!

Two non-cygwin applications (setup.exe and cygcheck.exe) have told you
that the dll exists.  Have you tried just visiting the folder with
Explorer and deleting the DLL???  These applications are not doing
anything special to find this file so if they say there is a file in
c:\windows\system32 there is a file there.

There is also the possiblity that this Cygwin-DLL got some hidden-attributes set and is not visible in a Explorer with the default settings.


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