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Re: password authentication fails in cygwin openssh windows xp pro

Dan Miller wrote:

> Path statement appears fine. I think I'm missing something here. Isn't
> it wierd that it is looking in /home/dan for keys and identities when
> I'm logging in as the new user "fshd"?

No, that is the way ssh works: you are user "dan" trying to login as user "fshd"
to somewhere, so it uses (local) dan keys and (remote) fshd authorized_keys.

> I ran mkpasswd and mkgroup to
> /etc/passwd and /etc/group and when I ssh localhost -l fshd it seems to
> login and authenticate the password but then closes immediately.

That's what the log showed.

> I'm wondering if it is looking for the .bash files and not finding them
> file not found....and then closing. I copied the .bash files from
> skel but that didn't solve the problem.

No, that's no it.

> is this the problem?
> debug3: channel 0: close_fds r -1 w -1 e 6 c -1
> debug3: fd 1 is not O_NONBLOCK
> debug3: fd 2 is not O_NONBLOCK
> Connection to localhost closed.


> I just want to be able to login to this server as user fshd. fshd is
> currently a user in windows, and member of the "users" group

And it is almost working, it does log in, what happens next is what fails.  That
means it can't execute the shell, did you change permissions? remember when you
said you made /bin/bash 0700 (which doesn't allow execution by any other user
different from the one that installed Cygwin)?
René Berber

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