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missing functions

I noticed a couple of functions that cause link errors even though they are 
required by POSIX (or at least will be required by the next version of POSIX), 
implemented by newlib, and declared in the headers:


There is also a big list of integer-only and reentrant variants of *printf that 
might be worth exporting:

asiprintf, _asiprintf, asiprintf_r, _asiprintf_r, diprintf, _diprintf, 
diprintf_r, _diprintf_r, _dprintf, dprintf_r, _dprintf_r, fiprintf_r, 
_fiprintf_r, fprintf_r, _fprintf_r, iprintf_r, _iprintf_r, printf_r, _printf_r, 
siprintf_r, _siprintf_r, sniprintf, _sniprintf, sniprintf_r, _sniprintf_r, 
snprintf_r, _snprintf_r, sprintf_r, _sprintf_r, vasiprintf, _vasiprintf, 
vasiprintf_r, _vasiprintf_r, vdiprintf, _vdiprintf, vdiprintf_r, _vdiprintf_r, 
vdprintf, _vdprintf, vdprintf_r, _vdprintf_r, vfiprintf_r, _vfiprintf_r, 
vfprintf_r, _vfprintf_r, viprintf, _viprintf, viprintf_r, _viprintf_r, 
vprintf_r, _vprintf_r, vsiprintf, _vsiprintf, vsiprintf_r, _vsiprintf_r, 
vsniprintf, _vsniprintf, vsniprintf_r, _vsniprintf_r, vsnprintf_r, 
_vsnprintf_r, vsprintf_r, _vsprintf_r

The above list does not include my pending addition of the asnprintf family of 
functions to newlib, but that would also be worth exporting.

Eric Blake

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