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Re: GDB Ctrl-C Interrupt Fails WORKAROUND

On Thu, Jun 15, 2006 at 11:04:56AM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> >I'm happy for you that CTRL-C works for you.  It does not work for me.
> >
> >I'm almost never running gdb from a genuine DOS command prompt.   
> >Sometimes via ssh, sometimes via a terminal emulator.  CTRL-C doesn't  
> >work in those.
> >
> >Also, if you have "tty" in your CYGWIN variable it doesn't work even  
> >from a DOS command prompt.
> Which is exactly what I theorized above.  So, characterizing CTRL-C as
> not working in gdb is rather an overstatement without more details.
> Now you know that you can use a standard console window for debugging
> and all will be well.
> >Lacking the ability to interrupt a running program severely limits  
> >gdb's usefulness.  Fortunately there's a workaround available.
> Yep.  Use a console window.
> cgf

Where in the cygwin source tree would the best place be to look for
where SIGINT handling is being done at the tty/pty level so that I can
remove this pointless limitation from my builds?


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