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Re: problem installing cygwin+sshd

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:

> René Berber wrote:
>> Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> Hm.  What exactly is the point to showing us a sequence of steps that
>>> results in a working install on one machine rather than the details of
>>> the failure of these steps on another?
>> It did not result in a working install, that is his point.  It works
>> when sshd
>> is started manually but not as a service.
> Has Michael tried running a debug version with a SYSTEM-owned shell to see
> why running as SYSTEM is unhappy?


> My WAG is that he still has a file out
> there that doesn't have the proper permissions for SYSTEM.  It would be
> helpful to address this issue directly.

That was the point of testing with a complete re-install... which had the same

> For ways to open a SYSTEM-owned shell, see the email archives.

Hint: A Windows shortcut with the following properties

C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c "at $(date +%H):$(($(date +%M) + 1)) /interactive
'c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe' --login -i; secs=$((60 - $(date +%S))); while [ $secs
-ne 0 ]; do echo -ne 'Please wait '$secs' seconds for the shell \r'; sleep 1;
secs=$(($secs - 1)); done"

and don't forget to return /var/empty to its original state before doing any
more testing.
René Berber

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