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Help. Cygwin corrupting files

At first I thought my recent problems with cygwin were limited to the
occasional "ls" command listing nothing. Run it again an it works
(usually). Now the problems are getting worse. I tried to "rm" a file
that I own and it didn't fully delete it. It corrupted it. An ls of the
file shows this (that is, when the ls command works).

$ ls -l
ls: cannot access bin_dirs.txt: No such file or directory
total 14
drwxr-xr-x+  2 CHamilto Domain Users    0 Feb  9 14:50 ./
drwxr-xr-x+ 19 CHamilto Domain Users    0 Feb  9 14:33 ../
-rw-r--r--   1 CHamilto Domain Users 3196 Feb  9 14:48 all_bin_dirs.txt
???????????  ? ?        ?               ?            ? bin_dirs.txt
-rwx------   1 CHamilto Domain Users  368 Feb  9 14:33*
-rwxrwx---   1 CHamilto Domain Users 3069 Feb  9 11:06*
-rw-r--r--   1 CHamilto Domain Users 1491 Feb  9 14:08 servers
-rwxrwx---   1 CHamilto Domain Users  270 Feb  9 14:50*

What is up with that? I can't access or remove the bin_dirs.txt file now
with either cygwin or windows. I tried resetting the owner but chown
fails too.

$ chown "CHamilto:Domain Users" bin_dirs.txt
chown: cannot access `bin_dirs.txt': No such file or directory

I have tried reinstalling cygwin and coreutils to no avail. Did
something happen in a recent release of cygwin to explain this bizarre
behavior? I've been using cygwin for years and never experienced
anything like this. Please help!

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