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Re: Weird cosmetic bug after viewing bash man page

I've seen this as well, my prompt(and everything I type)turning white
if I don't go through the "bash" man page all the way to the end.  I
note that "stty sane" does nothing, nor does hitting enter; my prompt
stays white.  (This is in tcsh, where my "prompt" variable is "[%n@%m
%c02]$".  In the standard window, it's gray on black.)

I note that when I look at the man pages for bash, there seems to be a
lot of highlighted-in-white text, a lot more than on the Linux version
of the same page.  Perhaps the bash maintainer should be looking at
the codes in the man page?

I have absolutely everything installed in the latest 'curr' versions
as of this morning on the mirrors.  In particular:

Package                  Version
bash                     3.2.5-8
cygwin                   1.5.22-1
man                      1.6d-2
tcsh                     6.14.00-5
less                     381-1

I don't see the need to include the entirety of my cygcheck.out, all
81K of it, but I can if need be.

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Current Book--John Wyndham:The Midwich Cuckoos
A Starchild gets whipped with a Van Allen belt.

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