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Re: once more unto the breech - please try a snapshot so I can release this thing

On Wed, Jan 11, 2006 at 10:35:37AM -0800, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:
>On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 09:23:41PM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>> I hope that I've nailed down the last of the problems due to trying to
>> hide the console, aka ssh doesn't work, aka emacs doesn't work, aka
>> rxvt doesn't work, aka setsid something doesn't work.
>:( emacs doesn't work.
>Twice now with the 20060110 13:32:19 snapshot, I've had it no longer
>receive Ctrl-C's (running emacs from mutt from a cygwin.bat window).
>Doesn't happen consistently, but when it does, it persists in any
>emacs started in that window.  When I finally exit bash, cmd.exe gives
>a Terminate batch job (Y/N)?  prompt.
>Probably useless information: I had something similar happen once
>with, I think, the 20060105 snapshot, but then cygwin1.dll showed some
>error message (TM) about a minute after Ctrl-C was pressed.

I notice that you included the part of my message where I say what
I think I fixed but didn't include the part where I mentioned that
we need to know the steps to duplicate the problem.

What *exactly* are you doing?  I think it's been mentioned a few times
that neither Corinna nor I use emacs so "running emacs from mutt"
doesn't mean a lot to me and it probably doesn't mean much to the
only other person who's going to be interested in tracking down
this problem.


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