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Re: Cygwin setup 2.427 on Win2K

> I ran into the same problem with not being able to
> hit
> the Next button.  The solution I found was to delete
> the c:\cygwin directory that the installation
> creates
> and run setup again.  I was installing to d:\cygwin
> but it still created a directory on the C drive,
> perhaps to keep some setup logs or temp files?  I
> haven't installed cygwin for a while, so I was
> playing
> around with some of the options and I'm pretty sure
> that I stopped an install before it completed. 
> Maybe
> an interrupted install leaves something on the hard
> drive that keeps a subsequent install from
> completing?

I guess I spoke too soon.  There seems to be something
else going on because I have the same problem when
trying to add new components to an existing
installation.  By deleting the c:\cygwin directory I
was able to do an initial install.  However, if I try
to add anything, I get the same problem, not being
able to select the Next button.  Now I have no idea
what the problem is!

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