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RE: Cygwin: rpc: unable to register

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner On Behalf Of Siegmar Gross
> Sent: 19 October 2004 15:56

> Hi,
> >   There have been problems reported with sunrpc related to
> > a disabled network connection.  Does you machine have a
> > network connection (wireless, or a secondary ethernet
> > card, etc.) that isn't active?
> Yes. I have a disabled Bluetooth and Wireless Lan and even an 
> IrD. Due to
> your mail I have enabled both services, stopped and started 
> portmap, and
> then tried my rpctst_server once more. Same result: it 
> couldn't register.

  OK, I dug out your earlier mail, and after fixing the typo in your
makefile (SYTEM_ENV where you meant SYSTEM_ENV), it compiled, and ran
successfully.  So I can only say WFM.

  Perhaps your firewall or AV software is getting in the way.  Do you have
anything by norton/symantec/mcafee on your system?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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