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Re: Request for a version/ revision/ release number for the whole Cygwin release/ distribution

Peter A. Castro wrote:

to keep up with the flow.  Yes, it may be a little painful if you haven't
refreshed in a while (say, from the "b20" days :), but you will have

Ah. Cygwin B20.1. Man, those were the days. Cygwin was practically perfect in every way, bugfree, and featureful. It even made coffee!

I miss B20. <sniff>

'Course, apparently the guy who started this thread misses B20 too -- those were the days of a single monolithic cygwin release with a single version number. If it wasn't in the full.exe installer, it wasn't available (not that you'd want anything else once you tasted your first cup of B20 coffee!) -- unless you went to disreputable third party sites like cygutils. :-)

(Speaking of cygutils, Peter, be sure to read the private email I just sent you)


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