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How to run deamons like inetd and ftpd on Windows?

I typed "info inetd" and it says it should be "run at
boot time by /etc/rc (see rc(8))." 

What the heck does that mean? I tried "info rc" and
that did not work.

OK, I know a little about UN*X. There are these
directories in rc.d and I see the cygwin installation
has created them on my windows machine.

Since I have installed cygwin on my windows machine,
are the programs in /etc/rc.d/* run when I log in or

What is the difference between init.d, rc.local,
rc0.d, rc.sysinit? I think it runs rc0.d before rc1.d
but that is all I can remember. What is the order of
execution for init.d and rc.local and rc.sysinit?
Where is this order documented?

What are these files in init.d called functions, sshd
and stunnel? Am I running OpenSSH already? I guess I
should try it out!

So if I want to try out all these interesting programs
in /usr/sbin (does sbin stand for system binary?) like
in.ftpd.exe, cron.exe, in.rlogind.exe,
sftp-server.exe, in.tftpd.exe, proftpd.exe (my
goodness, why are there so many different ftp
servers?) do I just use cp to make a redundant copy in

What is the difference between /usr/sbin and /sbin?



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