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RE: Problems with structs


> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owner  On Behalf Of c.h.breukink
> Sent: 18 March 2004 08:07

> I am using Cygwin for the first time. And I got segmentation 
> faults in my application which worked fine on Unix. I think 
> now that I know why. It has something to do with structs.When 
> I leave them, I have no problems. Who have experience with this?
> Christien Breukink

  Well, there's two possibilities:

1)  You have a stray pointer or malloc bug (or one of various similar
problems) in your code, and it just happened to work and not crash by luck
on Unix; minor differences in process layout and environment cause the
underlying bug to be hidden in Unix and exposed in Cygwin.

2)  You've found a bug or unimplemented feature in the cygwin api.

  If you're mentioning structs, my guess is you're doing something wrong
with pointers or arrays.  It's a very common thing in C.

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