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Re: new cygwin window from script?

alternatively, add something along the line of this to your .bashrc (
remove or modify the parameters to suit/match your environment). Then, you can call newterm from your script.

alias newterm="rxvt.exe -sr -sl 2500 -name $HOSTNAME:$PWD  -fn \"Courier
   New-16\" -geometry 80x25 -sb -bg midnightblue -e bash --rcfile
/home/rthompso/.bashrc &"

linux dr. wrote:

Sorry if this is a repost... didn't seem to post through nntp.

I'm trying to generate a new cygwin window in XP/2000, from within a tcsh script in a current cygwin window. How do I create a NEW window (as if I clicked the cygwin icon on the desktop) as opposed to a new shell within the same window? Running tcsh from the DOS/Windows command line creates a new window, as desired. However, from within cygwin, just creates a new tcsh, not a new window. Can anyone help? Thanks!

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