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Re: Manipulating user privileges (was Re: SSHD, Cygwin and Windows 2003)

On Tue, Sep 16, 2003 at 03:55:10AM -0700, Brian Dessent wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >   Does anybody know a way how to do this on the
> > command line which would allow ssh-host-config to do the above more or
> > less automagically?  If such a command line tool doesn't exist as part
> > of NT/2K/XP/03, would anybody be willing to create a simple command line
> > tool for inclusion in Cygwin?  It would be sufficient if that tool could
> > manipulate the above user privileges of an already existing user account.
> The Resource Kit from MS contains the tool "Ntrights.exe" which looks
> like it can do this:
> [...]
> As far as inclusion with Cygwin, I have no idea if that would be legit or
> not.

A cygwin tool should be available in source and buildable with gcc so
just shipping ntrights.exe with Cygwin is a no-no.

The problem with using ntrights.exe is the fact, that it's not part of
the OS.  Therefore scripts like ssh-host-config or postinstall scripts
can't rely on it's existance.  So, I guess we will have to have some
self-written tool to do basically the same as ntrights.exe


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                      
Red Hat, Inc.

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