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Re: "Using Cygwin Effectively with Windows" -- Draft of new User's Guide section

On Wed, Jul 30, 2003 at 11:56:15PM +0200, Hannu E K Nevalainen wrote:
> > From: Joshua Daniel Franklin
> > I've thrown together a prospective "Using Cygwin Effectively with
> > Windows" section for the User's Guide.
> >
> > If you'd like to look at it as a web page:
> > <>
> In the next to last paragraph there is a strange thing ;-)
>  "Therefore these two types of links differently."

Good catch.  

> > Some things:
> --8<--
> > --Documentation of printing is sparse since I don't really do it much.
> > Does anyone have extensive documentation of their complex setup?
>  I'd say stay basic: i.e. tell that:  (This is quickly sribbled text, take
> heed!)
OK, here is the updated section:

There are several options for printing from Cygwin, including the native Windows lpr.exe, and the simlple lpr found in cygutils. The cygutils version will print to the printer definted in your PRINTER environment variable. It also accepts network printer names in backslash notation (\\COMPUTER\Printer Share), which must be escaped from shells such as bash (\\\\COMPUTER\\Printer Share). If you have a command in a script such that it may be processed twice by the shell, you may need to double-escape the name (\\\\\\\\COMPUTER\\\\Printer Share). Note that lpr does no conversion of data; the printer must recognize the format of the data that is sent to it. Failing to do so will make the printer do random things, hang, or ignore the input. If your printer supports PostScript, packages such as a2ps and enscript can prepare text files for printing. The ghostscript package also provides some translation from PostScript to various native printer languages.

> Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail) wrote:

By the way, why not just set your reply address to cygwin@cygwin instead
of the garbage? (Unless your real address *is* garbage_collector@telia.)

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