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Re: cygpath --help -- A Nit


"Cygpath," not "cygcheck":

1018> cygpath --help
Usage: cygpath (-d|-m|-u|-w|-t TYPE) [-c HANDLE] [-f FILE] [options] NAME
       cygpath [-ADHPSW]
Output type options:
  -d, --dos             print DOS (short) form of NAME (C:\PROGRA~1\)
  -m, --mixed           like --windows, but with regular slashes (C:/WINNT)
  -u, --unix            (default) print Unix form of NAME (/cygdrive/c/winnt)
  -w, --windows         print Windows form of NAME (C:\WINNT)
  -t, --type TYPE       print TYPE form: 'dos', 'mixed', 'unix', or 'windows'
Path conversion options:
  -a, --absolute        output absolute path
  -l, --long-name       print Windows long form of NAME (with -w, -m only)
  -p, --path            NAME is a PATH list (i.e., '/bin:/usr/bin')
  -s, --short-name      print DOS (short) form of NAME (with -w, -m only)
System information:
  -A, --allusers        use `All Users' instead of current user for -D, -P
  -D, --desktop         output `Desktop' directory and exit
  -H, --homeroot        output `Profiles' directory (home root) and exit
  -P, --smprograms      output Start Menu `Programs' directory and exit
  -S, --sysdir          output system directory and exit
  -W, --windir          output `Windows' directory and exit
Other options:
  -f, --file FILE       read FILE for input; use - to read from STDIN
  -o, --option          read options from FILE as well (for use with --file)
  -c, --close HANDLE    close HANDLE (for use in captured process)
  -i, --ignore          ignore missing argument
  -h, --help            output usage information and exit
  -v, --version         output version information and exit1019>

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 10:38 2002-10-15, you wrote:
On Tue, Oct 15, 2002 at 10:17:51AM -0700, Randall R Schulz wrote:
>Hello, Chris,
>Back in August, I sent this message:
>The "cygpath --help" output does not include a final newline.
>To which you (Chris) replied:
>On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 07:59:37AM -0700, Randall R Schulz wrote:
>>The "cygpath --help" output does not include a final newline.
>You're right.  I've checked in a fix.  Thanks for the heads up.
>I was expecting the 1.13 release of Cygwin to include the fix you
>mentioned, but the output is still missing that final newline. Of course,
>this is no big deal, but I thought I'd remind you.

The newline is there.  You can check the sources for yourself, if
you want.  I just tried it myself and it is definitely there:

bash-2.05b$ cygcheck --version
cygcheck version 1.29
System Checker for Cygwin
Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
Compiled on Oct 13 2002
bash-2.05b$ cygcheck --help
Usage: cygcheck [OPTIONS] [program ...]
 -c, --check-setup  check packages installed via setup.exe
 -s, --sysinfo      system information (not with -k)
 -v, --verbose      verbose output (indented) (for -s or programs)
 -r, --registry     registry search (requires -s)
 -k, --keycheck     perform a keyboard check session (not with -s)
 -h, --help         give help about the info (not with -c)
 -V, --version      output version information and exit
You must at least give either -s or -k or a program name


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