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Re: how do I know which system to choose when running setup?

> Also, if I am downloading files for later install, it seems to not
> work if I start with one machine and then later download some stuff
> from a different machine. The machine name is used in the directory
> path of the files that I download. So if I get some from one machine
> and some more from another, setup seems to get confused.

regarding the subject line:

1) download (I used a
   browser - command line utilities for this abound, too: cURL,
   libWWW's comline, etc.)

2) perl -ne "print `ping $1` if m|://([^/]+).*North Am|" mirrors.lst
   (there are probably gawkish and shellish ways to do this, but I
   lean towards perl for one-liners lately.  Perhaps my crude
   solution will flush out more polished ones.)

regarding the rest, I dunno, I never tried that.

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