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Re: Bug? Mixed CR/LF and LF line endings from different programs

On 30 Aug, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
>  Actually, it seems to do exactly the right thing.  Notice that you PIPE 
>  the output to od, rather than write it to disk.  When you pipe the output, 
>  there is no mount info to consult, and therefore, by default, the pipe is 
>  opened in binary mode.  When you set the 'nobinmode' option on, it works 
>  exactly as cgf said, that is, it makes the pipe text mode.  I'm sure if 
>  you wrote the output of sed and awk to disk, and then od'd the result, 
>  you'd get the right thing to happen, regardless of the binmode setting. 
>  If you want to use pipes, though, then 'nobinmode' is the way to go. 
>  	Igor 

Ah!  Many thanks, Igor, that explanation made it perfectly clear.


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