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Re: using aliases for cygwin commands on win2k

--- Robert Collins <> wrote:
> On Tue, 2001-09-18 at 08:37, Anoop Ghanwani wrote:
> > I wanted to find out how to use aliases for cygwin commands
> > on win2k.  The cygwin commands are located at c:\cygwin\bin.
> > I don't run bash, but I still use commands such as ls, grep, rm,
> mv.
> > I would like to create aliases for these commands such as
> > alias ls 'ls -lF' and so on.  How do I do something like this?
> Run bash/tcsh/ksh. Do not run cmd.exe.

Thanks for the response.

If I do that, I lose the ability to start applications
automatically by simply typing the file name.  For example, 
if I have a file try.doc, and I type try.doc at the Windows 
2000 command prompt, it brings up Word with that document.


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