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Re: PROBLEM SOLVED: NT/2000 failure

Ron House wrote:

> Following this, I installed the ncurses package and everything worked. I
> have a feeling that only a tiny part of that big ncurses pack is
> actually used to make exes function.

Well, actually the terminfo database is about 1M unpacked, or about 1/3 
of the total (due to the large number of small files, and large number 
of directories, usage is highly file-system dependent).  On the next 
release of ncurses, I plan to split the libs/exe's and the terminfo 
database into two separate packages.  I haven't decided what to do about 
the -src.tar.bz2 package for the terminfo-database part.

The goal here is to make it easier to update the database without 
forcing everybody to download the whole ncurses package...

Don't hold yer breath tho -- this is a round tuit problem.  (It'll 
happen when I get 'round tuit).


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