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Re: make --win32 incorrectly handles PATH

> d) With my apologies to "FREE" software proponents everywhere, my
> company exists to profit from non-free software.

No need to apologize.  You are free to make whichever choices you
wish, just as we are free to choose otherwise.

> If, as an employee of a company that sells non-free software, I
> modify the make source, then we distribute the cygwin1.dll and
> (modified) make.exe binaries, and our customers use that make.exe to
> compile our code on their machines, what implications does that have
> vis-a-vis the GPL??

Your responsibilities under the GPL are the same whether you changed
the binaries or not.  If you distribute make.exe and cygwin1.dll, you
are required to also distribute the sources used to build them -
regardless of whether you changed those sources or not.

The act of *using* make/cygwin to do something else (i.e. control
build processes) in no way affects the copyright status or
distribution terms of those "something else"'s.

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