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Re: objcopy converting a.out to ELF with DWARF2 for i386

On Mon, Mar 08, 1999 at 12:34:08PM -0800, John Kastner, Ph.D. wrote:
>The company I work for would like to work with ELF/DWARF2 files.
>However our user base still uses older a.out.  We are looking into using
>objcopy on a.out to produce ELF/DWARF2.  We don't require perfect 
>fidelity but  we are looking for a strong interim solution.  We only need 
>an i386 solution (a.out-i386 to elf32-i386).
>Is anyone out there currently doing a similar extension to the tools?
>Is anyone out there interested in receiving our extensions if and when
>we produce them?
>I welcome helpful comments and suggestions.

It sounds like you would be changing binutils.  You might want to send
mail to when you're done.  The maintainers of bfd and
gas (and binutils) might be interested in your changes.


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